The Art of Paying Attention
The Art of Paying Attention
TAOPA #014: Lisa Shaughnessy on Writing Retreats

TAOPA #014: Lisa Shaughnessy on Writing Retreats

Lisa Shaughnessy created the Writing Retreat Sampler to bring writers and writing retreat hosts together. She knows how frustrating it can be to pour yourself into creating a wonderful experience for writers, then sweat it out waiting for the signups to roll in. Nobody likes the sinking feeling that comes when a retreat is only half-filled. Lisa want you to walk into your writing retreat feeling joyful, in control, and confident. That’s why she created the online writing retreat directory.

In this episode, Ryan and Lisa talk about where her idea for writing retreats came from, why they matter, and why you should consider one? We all need space to think, write, and create.

Check out Lisa’s latest offerings, and free to attend:

Mentioned on the show:

The Art of Paying Attention
The Art of Paying Attention
What do you pay attention to? How do I determine what's worthy of my limited attention? It’s the questions every human asks at some point, and the questions we MUST ask, to thrive in this one precious life.
And it’s these types of questions (and more), we want to wrestle with on The Art of Paying Attention.
We believe the work of paying attention is not optional, and something we all must learn to do well. The poet Mary Oliver said, "To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.”
Every week, we'll consider this endless, and proper work, of paying attention. What do we see? What are we learning? WHAT or WHO needs MORE attention? Join writer, creator, teacher, and accidental entrepreneur, Ryan J. Pelton, as he explores with others, the essential Art of Paying Attention.
Most episodes feature an interview with a bonafide "attention-collector" working in the arenas of creativity, art, music, writing, publishing, entrepreneurship/business, and spirituality. Join in the conversation and learn to see with new eyes a world bursting with hints of hope. Often in the most unlikely places.